Q Instructions: Your paper must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages (this does not include the reference list). In this week’s paper, you will focus on evaluating two websites with contrasting perspectives. The ability to access information is more readily available to us than ever before. In reviewing multiple information, you are likely to find contradictory information. In this paper, you will consider how you determine the credibility of conflicting sources and sort out evidence. The focus is on authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currentness. Refer to the "Checklist for Evaluating the Quality of Internet Resources" in the "Thinking about New Media" section of Chapter 5 in your text. This week, locate two different websites that present contrasting views on the same issue you addressed in Week 3. You may select a subtopic of the issue to assure you can find the contrasting views. The websites may be articles and/or video clips, such as Ted Talks or clips from television news. You must select different resources than those you used for last week’s paper. Beginning with the first article, do the following: • o Explain the site’s position on the topic. o Evaluate the strengths of the site’s argument, and refer to authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currentness. o Evaluate the weaknesses of the site’s argument, and refer to authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currentness. • Now follow the same instructions for the second website or video clip o Explain the site’s position on the topic. o Evaluate the strengths of the site’s argument, and refer to authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currentness. o Evaluate the weaknesses of the site’s argument, and refer to authority, accuracy, objectivity, and currentness. • Finally, share and support your position on the issue, and explain how your analysis of the two websites did or did not influence your position. This is an academic paper written in your own words using correct APA format for in-text citations and references. For assistance with APA style, visit https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/. If you would like additional support with your writing, please visit Brandman’s Online Writing Community by clicking on “Writing Help” in the red navigation buttons on the left. Save your paper as a doc or rtf with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name were Alicia Jackson, and this is Week 4 Paper, you would title it Jackson_Week 4 Paper. Upload your paper here.
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